Importance And Scope Of Marketing Manager In A Firm

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Without a marketing strategy, no business can prosper. Therefore, a proper and effectively thought marketing strategy is needed. And to have a marketing strategy, a business requires marketing managers. The marketing team is typically the backbone of every company, which influences success strongly. Irrespective of whether the business is small or big, whether it has a small budget or big financial capabilities, a marketing strategy will be needed. Only then will the business be able to make its mark in the competitive environment. Therefore, the job of a marketing manager is an important one.

1. Introducing New Products and Services

A business can only achieve success when the public will know about what services and products the business provides. If the business is unknown to its potential customers, then there will be no successful work. That is when marketing techniques come to the rescue. The marketing manager and his/her team work towards making the business visible to the customers. This also helps in understanding what the customers are looking for and how you can work accordingly. 

2. Helping in Making Beneficial Decisions

Not every time can you make the best decision for your business. And making decisions all by yourself at all times can be very exhausting. The marketing manager has a plethora of ideas and experience as to what works how and where. Decisions like what to produce and when to produce decide a lot about the success of the business. And the marketing team works towards collecting data for these questions and therefore helps to make the right decision according to the study of the market. 

3. The Business Remains Up to Date

Social media has changed the scope of marketing to a greater extent. It is no more difficult or time-consuming to know what the business is missing and how it needs to improve. Marketing managers release campaigns for new products and services that need to be launched. This way a business can know which direction to lead towards, based on the satisfaction and wants of the customers. 

4. Gives the Ability to Compete Efficiently 

Since the marketing manager helps the business to connect with customers on a more personal level, the businesses know what they are wholly capable of. This enables businesses to compete with each other. Since satisfaction level tops the needs of the customers, the marketing manager helps the business by giving a personal touch to all the services offered to a business. With this intimate connection edge with the customers, businesses can compete methodically with even bigger companies.

Hence, the detailed analysis of the job description of the marketing manager gives an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a marketing manager. 


A marketing team is always an asset. Every organization needs a marketing team, it is all-pervasive. As long as a business is running, it will require marketing managers to analyze the trends of the market and improve the working of the business accordingly. Only then will the business be able to grow and prosper, making suitable profits. India is growing as a corporate hub, so marketing managers are more and more in demand, making a career in marketing very beneficial. The home of any business success is the functioning and planning of the marketing team.